
Brush & Bond Desensitization

Tooth sensitivity is a common dental issue caused when the enamel wears down and exposes the underlying nerve endings in the teeth. This leads to sharp, shooting pains when eating and drinking hot and cold foods. Tooth sensitivity can be painful and disruptive. Don't let it hold you back from enjoying your favorite foods and drinks!

Brush & Bond Desensitization is a great solution for alleviating tooth sensitivity and restoring comfort when eating. This cutting-edge procedure begins with a gel application. This specially formulated desensitizing gel works to seal off exposed nerve endings and reduce their sensitivity to external forces. After the gel has been applied, a bonding agent is used. This creates protection from further enamel erosion.

Brush & Bond Desensitization benefits include: Relief from tooth sensitivity Lasting protection Minimized tooth wear Improved oral health

If tooth sensitivity is affecting your daily life, don't hesitate to call! Our team of dental professionals will conduct a thorough evaluation and recommend the best course of action for your individual needs.

Call today to schedule a consultation! (416) 226-4113